Adventure Walks
Allow your dog to be their doggy self! Adventure walks are one hour, and take place on off leash legal wooded trails around eastern Massachusetts. We practice "hiking skills" on all adventure walks. Hiking skills include, recall, waiting up for the human, checking in, sharing the trail, and more!
Here at Zoomies we limit group size for the safety of the dogs and walker and take 2-5 dogs per walk. Adventures are reoccurring weekly to insure that the pups are able to form consistent relationships with their dog friends. All dogs are outfitted with GPS tracking collars (Garmin Astro, Garmin Astro mini) for an extra level of safety. Dogs ride in only crash tested products, and I never double crate. Pick up and drop off is included in price.
A service report will be sent via email after your service with tons of pictures and a personalized written report.
Zoomies does not and will not use shock/stim, choke or chain collars
$45.00/adventure walk on a recurring weekly schedule, minimum one day a week
@zoomiesdogcare on Instagram
Benefits of Decompression Walks in Dogs:
Decompression walks are defined as "a walk where dogs have freedom of movement in nature. Decompression walks can be, when used regularly, especially helpful for anxious dogs by allowing them freedom to be a dog without the overwhelming stress of city life. I try to give the dogs as much decompression time as possible on our walks while still practicing good trail etiquette.
Positive: Decompression Walks, Tiring vs Taxing Exercise
Happy Natural Dog: Decompression Walks, A Behavioral Game Changer
Dog Minded: Life Changing Power of Decompression Walks
Sarah Stremmings Cog-Dog Radio, A Decompression Walk Chat
Would Your Dog Be A Good Fit?
Does your dog...
-enjoy the presence of other dogs?
-enjoy walking on uneven terrain for 60-90 minutes?
-able to ride in a car crate?
-willing to eat treats in nature?
-able to come when called, or actively working towards that goal?
Please fill our an application if you think your dog would be a good fit!
AM group picked up between 9-10:30am
PM group picked up between 1-2pm
